Archive | August, 2015

The Perpetually Unhappy Blogger

3 Aug

I was excited for the future and transferring schools, and well moving on with my life.
I’ve been diagnosed with a more mild form of bipolar or i guess something with a very similar symptom set to bipolar and is a mood disorder.. . I’m getting tested for Autism soon.
Both positives because atleast this way I can get treatment that matches up with my reality. I’m starting the process of being medicated not for just depression but a mood disorder that is hypomanic as well.
It’s kinda a great relief and at the same time scary because I’m not sure how long it will take to actually see inprovement.
Which leads into my next point, I’m  moving in the next few weeks. So I have to give up the first therapist that actually seems to understand me and seems to be helping me because of the move and start all over again.
And we are moving in with my parents….and my brother and my aunt and my grandpa and his girlfriend….
Shit is about to get real.