Tag Archives: muslims

That Concession Speech, HRC, and all the Feels

16 Nov

So imagine this, today I sit hunched over my laptop typing away at an effort to make sense of this US 2016 Presidential election. Where am I you ask? Well my local Starbucks of course! I know I know, local is always better! BUT here me out: 1.) I am nearly broke with Starbucks gift moneys on hand 2.) Starbucks has quite recently changed their bathrooms from the binary “men” and “women” to unisex/either or; who knew the bathroom fiasco could have been fixed so easily and quickly, am I right??
Recently, as in 30 minutes or so ago, I finally conceded and listened to Kaine and HRC give the big concession speech.

My most prominent reaction would be this: what a classy lady, Queen Bee of my heart.  And also the silent tears that kept on rolling down my face as I was driving and listening to HRC speak…..

My heart feels broken. I’ve felt this slow pain and deep hurt buildup in my heart since late election night, when the results were not looking as hopeful as others had predicted. So around 11:30pm I got in my car to drive….and kept driving because driving makes me feel like I have some semblance of control over my own life, like I can go anywhere and do anything and be anyone….

When others have outright said I’m just a sore loser or being over dramatic, all I can say is this:

I am an openly gay married woman

I am a person who is Autistic

I am tattooed

I am educated and an informed American citizen

I am constantly  silenced, ignored, and walked all over by friends/peers/family/etc.

I would not be crying if it were not for victors being so blatantly racist, sexist, ableist, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic….in fact when I watched a clip of Rachel Maddow being barely able to hold herself together discussing future VP Pence, I was realized my fears were completely vindicated and that I should infact be concerned and deeply worried.

HRC promised improvement and expansion on services for Autistic persons and their families, she spoke of having the backs of the LGBT community, she spoke of how receiving an education shouldn’t be such a heavy burden that weighs on the people my age (and those to come) simply because we are not rich and easy targets, she spoke of America as a safe haven and to take pride in our diversity….

To get past myself now, HRC was for the disabled, the Muslims, the immigrants, the Latinx, the working class, the women of our country.

I’ll attempt to wrap this up now by saying I am your ally, “the Other American” in the sense that if I see you being harassed on the bus for your hijab, I will step up and defend you, when someone spray paints “dyke” or “fag” on your car I’ll be there to hold you in your rage and sadness, I will not sit back and let the haters fill the void with their harassment and crimes. I will be there for you, because I love you and I stand by you as a fellow American and as a decent f***ing human being.